
Wednesday 31 May 2017

ST Class - My future job - Future tense

This will be such an important part of your lives... Getting a job that you like!

1. Let's practise doing a puzzle here

2. Find the hidden words for personality traits here

3. Learn about what some professions do here

4. Match the jobs to their equipment here

5. Play a jobs memory game here.

6. Play a jobs' quiz alone with a classmate here.

7. Fill in the blanks with the words here.

8. Choose the best candidate for a vacancy here.

9. Find the profession (hangman)here.

Steve Jobs gives you his advice on your future career choice.

Thursday 18 May 2017

D Class - Unit 7 - What are you doing?

Do you like helping around the house? And, what do you want to be when you grow up?

Let's do some exercises!

Exercise on house chores: Click here

Do a multiple choice exercise on jobs: Click here

Do a jobs anagram exercise: Click here

Present Continuous

Do an exercise on Present Continuous: Click here

Monday 1 May 2017

E Class - Recycling Project

The pupils of E class have created the posters for our school recycling corner. 

We now recycle packaging, plastic bottles and collect plastic lid caps.

Here are some photos of their work! Well done!!!